

    Ministry of Heritage and Culture


    Bahla City – Sultanate of Oman

The Bahla Fort and Oasis Settlement are an outstanding example of defensive architectural ensemble in Oman during the late medieval period. The oasis of Bahla was inscribed in the World Heritage List of UNESCO in 1987. The world heritage site follows the line of the wall enclosing the whole oasis settlement. The oasis is watered by the Falaj system of wells and channels.

The Project developed by Sering International aims to protect the archaeological site of Bahla City from wadi flood by means of three dams and training works. The design strategy involves:

  1. the reduction of the peak flow by means of protection dams on the main catchments
  2. the improvement of the routing capacity of the wadis by rehabilitations works

The evaluation of alternative scenarios has been performed taking into account :

  • Hydraulic efficiency
  • Cost (construction +  interferences)

Hydrological analysis The aim of this hydrological study is to estimate the incoming flood volumes for each proposed dam site with the most conservative approach.

Services provided by Sering International

  • Feasibility Study
  • Preliminary Design
  • Detailed Design

At the present stage the Client approved the Hydrological Analysis and the selection of the possible dam sites.